What do I search for in life? Those people who want to repair the world, not tear it apart.
She Votes! Podcast: Hosted by Ellen Goodman and Lynn Sherr
100 years ago, the 19th Amendment was ratified. But American women’s battle for the ballot began long before that day in August—and continues, even to this day. Ellen joins her dear friend and fellow journalist Lynn Sherr to tell the complex history of the women’s suffrage movement, from the first demands to speak on public matters by antislavery activists in 1837, through the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention for women’s rights, to the drama of the final passage in 1920 and beyond. Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify or anywhere else you listen!
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: The Conversation Project

Speaking Engagements
Ellen has witnessed and been a part of the stunning ways families, women lives, the media and values have been transformed over the turbulent past generation.
“Ellen speaks with the confidence of a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and the openness and warmth of a good friend. She has the remarkable ability to put people at ease even as she discusses the sensitive topics of illness and dying.”
Ira Byock, MD
Palliative Care Specialist and Author of The Best Care Possible, The Four Things that Matter Most and Dying Well
See What Ellen is Saying
Women who once aspired to the image of superwoman now worry about becoming superdrudge. Those who wanted to have it all now ask whether they have to do it all.
Too often politics and journalism are in collusion, oversimplifying issues and favoring personal attacks.
We made huge gains in equality a generation ago. Now we need to nourish the belief in our daughters and sons that we can do it. Again.
The Conversation Project
In 2012, in her encore career as a “recovering journalist” Ellen Goodman founded a nonprofit organization The Conversation Project, a public engagement campaign to ensure that people’s wishes for end of life care are expressed and respected.
Some of Ellen’s Past Clients